Thursday, March 7, 2013

10 things I didn't know this time last year

1. Children really believe Captain starlight is real and leaves the starlight room in a rocket each night

2. How to change the ranges on a oxygen saturation monitor so it stops beeping

3. That the best spot for 3G coverage at the Royal Children's is at the front door of the Murdoch Institute

4. What drugs you can run in the same line as heparin (my lowest point was the night I corrected some poor young registrar on that)

5. Why we need a spleen

6. A colony of meerkats always has one sentinel keeping guard

7. That is your veins keep collapsing the next place to put a line in is in the skull

8. Exactly how much fun it is to shop for little girls clothes and how sad it is to only be able to do that for the shortest time

9. Sometimes it is the littlest things that people do or say that can mean the most

10. That you will never forget the taste left in your mouth after giving CPR

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