Monday, December 31, 2012

thanks for the memories 2012

This time last year we were only weeks away from welcoming Miss T into the world.  Now at the end of 2012, we have had 11 weeks without her: what a lot can happen in a year.

A few people have commented to me: "bet you can't wait for 2012 to be over".  No, 2012 has been an amazing year and in lots of ways I don't want it to end.

The end of the year always brings a lot of reflection - given my birthday is Christmas Eve I suspect I reflect more than others as I contemplate "another year over and a new one begun" both on the calendar and my age.  The thought I can't shake today is as the clock ticks over tonight that will end the only year in which we had Miss T.

Thankfully, largely as a result of the last couple of years including "take a photo a day" resolutions we have lots of are the favourites.

From our own cameras, in no particular order:

So, tonight frock up and raise a glass of bubbles in memory of Miss T......


  1. It was much useful to your site followers. I appreciate you for sharing it with us. Thanks a ton!!

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  2. I saw the photo of your precious bub on ivillage and followed the link to your site. Wow some of your posts made me cry. I too know the death of a child and it brought all the feelings back up to the surface. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo of Thomasina.
